Hello Obsessionitas,
These sales are good the current deals I found out about. Each deal will have the date it is good till if known. There are other options for discount codes but this is the best deal today.
Tarte -- You can get 25% off the BigEgo Mascara for few more hours today. I thought it stated anything 25% off but I checked before posting it is only good on the BigEgo Mascara full size using code: BIGEGO
Nordstorm online is having Anniversary Sale now open to the public. Many different sets discounted normally not discounted. Alterna, Amorepacfic, Anastasia Beverly Hills, Anthony, Antica Farmacista, Arcona, Artis, Aveda, bareMinerals, Beachwaver Co, Beauty Bio, Beautyblender, BECCA Cosmetics, Bobbi Brown, Bumble and bumble, Cartier, Chanel, Chantecaaille, Charlotte Tilbury, Choe, Clarins, Cle de Peau Beaute, Clinique, Creed, Dermaflash, Dior, Diptyque, Dolce & Gabbana Beauty, Donna Karan New York, Dr, Dennis Gross, Drybar, Estee Lauder, Foreo, Fresh, GHD, Giorgio Armani, Glamglow, Gucci, Herbivore Botanicals, Hermes, Hourglass, Hum Nutrition, Jack Black, Jimmy Choo, Jo Malone London, Kate Someville, Kiehls Since 1851, Kopari, La Mer, Lancer Skincare, Lancome, Lanvin, Laura Mercier, Le Labo, Lightstim, Living proof, Luxie, Mac Cosmetics, Makeup Eraser, Malin+Goetz, Marc Jacobs, Mario Badescu, Moon Juice, Moroccanoil, Nars, Nest Fragrances, neuLASH, NuFACE, Omorovicza, Oribe, Ouai, Parfums de Marly, Paula's Choice, Perricone MD, Philosophy, PMD, Prada, RevitaLASH, Salvtore Ferragmo, Shiseido, Silk'n Simplehuman, Sisley Paris, Skin Inc, Slip for beauty sleep, St. Tropez, Stila, Sulwhasoo, Sunday Riley, Supergoop, T3, Tiffany & Co, Tom Ford, Too Faced, Tory Burch, Trish McEvoy, Urban Decay, Versace, Viktor & Rolf, Voluspa, Yves Saint Laurent for example.
(prices good at the time of posting. I am not sure how long this sale is good for) (4% cashback)
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Till next time
Diana and Ashley

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