Hello Obsessionitas,
It is that time of the season for the 21 days of beauty sale. This is the best time to try new things out or try something out for the first time. Most items during the sale are going to be at least 50% off and maybe even higher. In the past, I have picked up great new things that I have now in my routine I use or rotate in. I will put up daily the deal. I will do another post with bonus discounted items.
Disclaimer: All prices or sale deals are good at the time of posting. Subject to change at any time.
September 11th, 2019
I just want to make a short post. I am not going to get all preachy about the military. I just would like to from the bottom of my heart would like to thank all the military current, retired or the fallen for their services. I do have an immediate family member who is in the military and I have much respect for them and their families. What a family goes through when the family member serves is more than I think the average person can think.
Yes, I was alive when 9-11 happened and remember where I was. I hadn't been out of college long. I guess the interesting thing I found out after 20 years after a major event in history can it be included in the history books. By the time my kids get to high school, they will learn about what I witness.
What we would like to know where were you when 9-11-01 hit or were you even born. Please comment below and let us know.
So for those families who have family members serving and overseas I respect you and hope the best for those women and men.
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Disclaimer: Pictures Becca Cosmetics Website's - Edited by Coloure My Obsessions
Words for descriptions from Cosmetics Website borrowed for Coloure My Obsessions.
Disclaimer: I do make a small one time only commission if you sign up using my referral link for Ebates/Rakuten. I do have more in-depth details on how to earn the most money and how to benefit from using it.
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Till next time
Diana and Ashley

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