Hello Obsessionitas,
It is that time of the season for the 21 days of beauty sale. This is the best time to try new things out or try something out for the first time. Most items during the sale are going to be at least 50% off and maybe even higher. In the past, I have picked up great new things that I have now in my routine I use or rotate in. I will put up daily the deal. I will do another post with bonus discounted items.
Disclaimer: All prices or sale deals are good at the time of posting. Subject to change at any time.
September 18th, 2019
Currently, Ofra Cosmetics launched a new foundation and you get a foundation brush #8887 use code:
The Foundation Brush is the value of $57.
Then if you are ordering is over $30 you get Cool as Cucumber Primer no code needed. When I checked out and even after putting the code in to get the free foundation brush free shows the Cool as Cucumber Primer free. Ofra might see this as a mistake and take out the primer of the order or cancel the order.
If you are able to get the foundation $40 + Cool As Cucumber Primer $20 + Foundation Brush $57 the total normally would be $117 total. Now you can get all of this for $40 what a saving that is!
Light has 3 options
Light-Medium has 2 options
Medium has 5 options
Tan has 5 options
Tan-Deep has 3 options
Deep has 3 options
As you can see room to improve in the shades range.
Foundation Shades currently available are:
#1 = Light Neutral Undertone
#0.25 = Light Yellow Undertone
#0.5 = Light Pink Undertone
#2 = Light Medium Warm Undertone
#2.25 = Light Medium Cool Undertone
#3 = Medium Cool Undertone
#4 = Medium Warm Undertone
#4.25 = Medium Neutral Undertone
#4.5 = Medium Cool Undertone
#4.75 = Medium Cool Undertone
#5 = Tan Cool Undertone
#6 = Tan Neutral Undertone
#7 = Tan Warm Undertone
#7.15 = Tan Neutral Undertone
#7.20 = Tan Warm Undertone
#7.25 = Tan-Deep Neutral Undertone
#7.50 = Tan-Deep Warm Undertone
#8 = Tan-Deep Neutral Undertone
#8.5 = Deep Neutral Undertone
#9 = Deep Cool Undertone
#10 = Deep Neutral Undertone
(Earn 4% additional cashback)
Disclaimer: Currently I don't take any commission from websites.
Disclaimer: Pictures Cosmetics Website's - Edited by Coloure My Obsessions
Words for descriptions from Cosmetics Website borrowed for Coloure My Obsessions.
Disclaimer: I do make a small one time only commission if you sign up using my referral link for Ebates/Rakuten. I do have more in-depth details on how to earn the most money and how to benefit from using it.
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Till next time
Diana and Ashley

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