Hello Obsessionitas,
Even though the 21 Days of Beauty deals are over. Ulta has the Hair Daily Deals going on now called: Gorgeous Hair Event. Sale says up to 50% off pre-picked items and brands.
Some of the brands included in this week's deals are: Yes To, Not Your Mother's, Marc Anthony.
What I am going to do is show each companies products that are in the deals for the week.
Disclaimer: All prices or sale deals are good at the time of posting. Subject to change at any time.
October 12th, 2019
The Perfect 10 Ends Today
Travel Size Hangover Primer - $10 was $17
Travel Size Hangover Setting Spray - $10 was $16
Travel Size Primed & Peachy Primer - $10 was $17
Travel Size Peach Mist Setting Spray - $10 was $16
Travel Size Lip Injection Extreme Plumping Lip Gloss - $10 was $15
Travel Size Super Coverage Concealer - $10 was $13
Travel Size Peach Perfect Setting Powder - $10 was $15
Travel Size Born This Way Setting Powder - $10 was $15
Travel Size Peach Blur Finishing Powder - $10 was $15
Travel Size Chocolate Gold Soleil Bronzer - $10 was $15
Crystal Whips Liquids Eye Shadow - $10 was $22
Twinkle Twinkle Liquid Eye Shadow - $10 was $22
Rich & Dazzling Lip Gloss - $10 was $21
Juicy Fruits Lip Gloss - $10 was $20
Juicy Fruits Watermelon Lip Gloss - $10 was $20
Sweet Peach Lip Gloss - $10 was $20
Lip Injection Glossy Plumping Lip Gloss - $10 was $22
Good Today Only
#hangoverprimer #hangoversettingspray #primed&peachyprimer #peachmistsettingspray #lipinjectionextremeplumpinglipgloss #supercoverageconcealer #peachperfectsettingpowder #bornthiswaysettingpowder #blurfinishingpowder #chocolategoldsoleilbronzer #crystalwhipsliquideyeshadow #twinkletwinkleliquideyeshadow #rich&dazzlinglipgloss #juicyfruitslipgloss #juicyfruitswatermelonlipgloss #sweetpeachlipgloss #lipinjectionglossyplumpinglipgloss
(Earn 12% additional cashback)
Disclaimer: Currently I don't take any commission from websites.
Disclaimer: Pictures Cosmetics Website's - Edited by Coloure My Obsessions
Words for descriptions from Cosmetics Website borrowed for Coloure My Obsessions.
Disclaimer: I do make a small one time only commission if you sign up using my referral link for Ebates/Rakuten. I do have more in-depth details on how to earn the most money and how to benefit from using it.
#obsessionistas #colouremyobsessions #beautyblogger #beautyblog #coloure #color #cosmetics #sephora #jcpenny #sephorainjcpenny #sephorainsidejcpenny #minimakeover #haircare #SephoraCollection #shampoo #deals #sales #worthit #makeupjunkie #makeuprookie #makeuplover #sigmabrushes #sigmaeyebrushes #sigmaweeklydeals
#makeupenthusiastic #bogo #deals #sales #worthit #makeupjunkie #makeuprookie #makeuplover #minimakeover #sales #makeupschoolshopping #shopping #mens #womens #specials #juniorsmakeup #ulta #sigma #sigmabrushes #sigmaprivatesale
Till next time
Diana and Ashley

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