Hello Obsessionitas,
We are now starting the holiday times. More companies will be starting putting out deals. One thing to note is there are 6 days fewer shopping days this year.
What I am going to do is show each companies products that are in the deals.
Disclaimer: All prices or sale deals are good at the time of posting. Subject to change at any time.
October 27th, 2019
Disclaimer: All prices or sale deals are good at the time of posting. Subject to change at any time.
November 1st, 2019
$15 Kohl's Cash for Every $50 spent through November 1st. Redeemable November 2-14
(Get $15 Kohl's Cash)
$79.99 + an Extra 20% off with promo code: AUTUMN20
Small Appliances. Select Styles. - Reg. $119.99 to $149.99
(Get $30 Kohl's Cash)
$179.99 + an Extra 20% off with promo code: AUTUMN20
Ninja Foodi 6.5 quart Pressure Cooker with TenderCrisp or Foodi Digital Air Fryer Oven 13x13 Sheet Pan. Reg $269.99 to $279.99
(Get $30 Kohl's Cash)
$179.99 + an Extra 20% off with promo code: AUTUMN20
Shark ION Robot R75 Vacuum with Wi-Fi connectivity and voice control model RV750. Reg $349.99
$79.99 with promo code: AUTUMN20
Samsonite Ziplite 4.0 or Lite Lift DLX 20-in carry-on. Sale $99.99 - Reg $259.99 to $359.99
with promo code: AUTUMN20
The Big One Standard/Queen Bed Pillow or Bath Towel.
Sale $2.99 - Reg $9.99
with promo code: AUTUMN20
Boots for Women. Select Styles. Sale $19.99 Reg - $39.99 to $69.99
60% off
+ an Extra 20% off with promo code: AUTUMN20
Carter's, OshKosh, and Sonoma Goods for Life clothes and pajamas for kids. Select Styles
$20 & Under
Offers and coupons do not apply
with promo code: AUTUMN20
The Big One Supersoft plush throw. Sale $8.99 - Reg $29.99
with promo code: AUTUMN20
Croft & Barrow Microfleece or Flannel Pajama Pants for Men. Select Styles. Sales $9.99 - Reg. $24
$9.99 & Under
+ an Extra 20% off with promo code: AUTUMN20
Tops for the Family.
70%-75% off
+ an Extra 20% off with promo code: AUTUMN20
10K Gold Jewelry Select Styles.
with promo code: AUTUMN20
Food Network 10-piece ceramic cookware set.
Sale $69.99 - Reg. $129.99
with promo code: AUTUMN20
All Sizes Hotel Suite White Goose Feather and Down Comforters. Sale $59.99 - Reg. $129.99 to $179.99
Beauty Train Cases.
Select Styles. Original $50
Offers and Coupons do not apply.
30% off
LEGO sets. Select Styles.
Offers and Coupons do not apply.
with promo code: AUTUMN20
Bras from Playtex 18 Hour, Hanes Ultimate and more. Select Styles.
Sale $12.99 - Reg. $16 to $36
NCAA Fleece Tops for the Family. Select Styles.
Reg. $40 - $50
Offers and Coupons do not apply.
$129.99 (Get $30 Kohl's Cash)
Victrola 6-in-1 classic recordable Bluetooth Music center or 8-in-1 Empire mid-century Bluetooth Turntable.
Reg. $179.99 to $199.99
Offers and Coupons Do Not Apply.
$279.99 (Get $75 Kohl's Cash)
KitchenAid Artisan Stand Mixer Model KSM15OPS
Includes a 5-quart stainless steel bowl. Reg. $379.99
Offers and Coupons do not apply.
#smallappliances #ninjafoodi #sharkion #robotR75 #thebigone #boots #women #carters #oshkosh #sonoma #kids #babies #kidboys #kidgirls #thebigonesupersoftplusthrow #croft&barrow #microfleece #flannelpajamapants #tops #kidstops #womenstops #menstops #foodnetwork10piece #allsizeshotelsuite #beautytraincases #samsoniteziplite4.0 #liteliftdlx #20incarryon #toys #jewerly #10kgold #necklace #earrings #rings #goosefeathercomforters #downcomforters #lego #ncaa #fleecetops #family #victrola #bluetooth #kitchenaid #artisanstandmixer #modelKSM15OPS #5quart #stainlesssteel #13x13sheetpan #6.5quart #november2-14 #$15cashback
(Earn 3% additional cashback)
Disclaimer: Currently I don't take a commission from websites. This will be changing soon. When this does for both Ashley and Diana we will note it.
Disclaimer: Pictures Kohl's Cosmetics Website's - Edited by Coloure My Obsessions
Words for descriptions from Cosmetics Website borrowed for Coloure My Obsessions.
Disclaimer: I do make a small one time only commission if you sign up using my referral link for Ebates/Rakuten. I do have more in-depth details on how to earn the most money and how to benefit from using it.
#obsessionistas #colouremyobsessions #beautyblogger #beautyblog #coloure #color #cosmetics #sephora #jcpenny #sephorainjcpenny #sephorainsidejcpenny #minimakeover #haircare #SephoraCollection #shampoo #deals #sales #worthit #makeupjunkie #makeuprookie #makeuplover #sigmabrushes #sigmaeyebrushes #sigmaweeklydeals
#makeupenthusiastic #bogo #deals #sales #worthit #makeupjunkie #makeuprookie #makeuplover #minimakeover #sales #makeupschoolshopping #shopping #mens #womens #specials #juniorsmakeup #ulta #sigma #sigmabrushes #sigmaprivatesale
Till next time
Diana and Ashley

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