Hello Obsessionitas,
ColourPop Cosmetics is running 20% percent of the Disney Collection for 48 hours before midnight Sunday night 4/28/19. Free shipping with PR Collection of the Disney Villians.
Free shipping any order over $30 in the United States.
ColourPop Villians
$249 For the Collection
On Sale for $199.20
Individual $8 Jelly Eyeshadow
On Sale for $6.40
ColourPop Disney Princess
$108 on sale for $86.40
$42 for the Eyeshadow Set
On Sale for $35.20
Individual Super Shock Highlighter $8
On Sale for $6.40
Click Here to go to ColourPop Cosmetics
Pictures ColourPop Cosmetics Website - Edited by Coloure My Obsessions
Disclaimer: Currently I don't make any commission from ColourPop Cosmetics if you click my link.
Disclaimer: I am noticing on different websites or other platforms showing different shades or textures or colors of products. What I might see here may or may not be the same in person. I do my best to show you the best quality of color of the product when I can.
Disclaimer: I do make a small one time only commission if you sign up using my referral link for Ebates/Rakuten. I do have more in-depth details on how to earn the most money and how to benefit from using it.
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Till next time